Our Programs

Program Descriptions

Arlington EATS' mission is to engage the community in eliminating food insecurity and hunger in Arlington. All of our services are provided free of charge and open to any Arlington resident. Programs are funded through donations and grants.

Free program where guests can shop for desired foods
EATS supports free snacks in schools and provides free vacation and summer lunches
The Arlington Farmers’ Market brings fresh, locally grown and produced foods to everyone in our community
A farmers’ market voucher program to provide access to fresh produce, breads, and meat at the Arlington Farmers’ Market.
Building connections to extend access to food beyond the walls of EATS

EATS Market Hours

The Market is open for in-person shopping by appointment on:

  • Mondays 2-7pm (2-4pm are senior hours)
  • Tuesdays 9am-12:30pm
  • Wednesdays 9am-12pm
  • Saturdays 9am-1pm

Get food


117 Broadway
Arlington, MA


117 Broadway
Suite A
Arlington, MA 02474